Create a variety of contents using
Creator, Studio, and Contents by MELIGO,
your integrated motion capture system.

MELIGO Creator

We provide three types of motion capture (full body, upper body, and face)
using VRM characters, as well as a range of convenience functions for content.
All-in-one program for virtual creators, Create your own content with MELIGO Creator.

Three types of motion capture

Experience various types of motion capture
through MELIGO by using VRM characters.

With Vive Tracker, you can capture full body and upper body motion,
and you can even track your fingers with our Mollisen Hand.
You can capture facial motions via your iPhone even without Tracker.
Please note that the facial expressions of the characters need to be prepared
in advance before you make an expression for the character.


Perfect Sync: iPhone XS or above + Perfect Sync-applied character
Lip Sync: A-I-U-E-O Lip Sync-applied character

  • Perfect Sync is a technology that uses the face mapping function of ARKit Face Tracking included in iOS.
  • Make detailed inquiries through the "Inquiry" service.

Motion Capture

Full Body: full body capture mode
Upper Body: upper body capture mode
Head: head capture mode

Finger Tracking

Move the fingers using Mollisen Hand and VIVE TRACKER.

※Character Use Condition: VRM format character that has completed full body rigging

VRM character iPhone XS or higher VIVE Pro&Tracker Available Motion Captures
  • Prepare a VRM character.
VRM character iPhone XS or higher VIVE Pro&Tracker
  • Facial: Available
  • Motion Capture: Head
VRM character iPhone XS or higher VIVE Pro&Tracker
  • Facial: Unavailable
  • Motion Capture: Use full body/upper body/head depending on the number of trackers.
  • *Purchase Mollisen Hand to move the fingers.
VRM character iPhone XS or higher VIVE Pro&Tracker
  • Facial: Available
  • Motion Capture: Use full body/upper body/head depending on the number of trackers.
  • *Purchase Mollisen Hand to move the fingers.
VRM character iPhone XS or higher VIVE Pro&Tracker

About Convenience Functions

Experience the various convenience functions
made by MELIGO for virtual creators.

  • 01 Special expression

    By directing various
    facial expressions, you can bring
    your characters to life!

  • 02 Transmission(Comming soon)

    By sending MELIGO's motion capture
    to an external program,
    you can create diverse contents!

  • 03 Studio

    By using various objects of your choice such as viewer's sponsorship and chat recognition, you can create interactions with your viewers!

  • Download Facial

    Requires an
    iPhone XS or higher!

  • Download Creator

    Provide three types of motion capture capabilities
    take a look at MELIGO Creator for free now.